Getting Started

Installing DICE

DICE is currently in experimental stage and not ready for release yet. So easy-install or pip way of installation is not available now. The only way to install DICE is from the source code.

Install from Git Source

To install DICE from git repository, clone the source code to local first:

git clone
cd dice

Then install dependencies from pip:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Install DICE:

sudo python install

Using DICE

Example Project

Build the example binary from source:

cd examples/pyramid
gcc pyramid.c -o pyramid

Run DICE on the example project:


This will open a ncurses TUI shows the statistics of results by generating the option randomly.


The left panel is a stat panel shows the stat of error message patterns categorized by the exit status and whether error message matches expectation defined in the constraint file.

The central panel is a list panel lists recent called command lines matches the error message pattern selecting in the stat panel.

The right panel is a detail panel show the detailed information of the selected command in list panel includes command line, standard output and standard error.

The follow key press allowing navigation through the panels.

Key Function
TAB Toggle current working panel
P Pause/Resume execution
J Select next item
K Select previous item
M Merge stat by regex pattern
^W Save current input
^D Cancel current input

Creating a custom Project (Implementing)

  1. Generate a skeleton file structure by fill the required information promptly:

    dice --start-project
  2. Change to call custom command or API.

  3. Add constraints depicts expected result.

  4. Run dice and check result. If something need fix, goto step 2.

  5. Run dice continuously until bug found.